Thursday, January 11, 2007

2.5 Hrs Climbing
2 x 5.6, warm-up lead
5.9, lead, flash
5.9, lead, 3rd bolt (bailed)
5.11, TR, 2 hangs (smoked the chimney moves though)
5.8, lead, RP
5.8, TR, cool down

WOD: Mary (modified)
(20 min time limit)
5 Dumbbell thrusters (40#, 25 after that)
5 Pistols (each leg)
15 Pull-ups
Score: 4 + 15
Finished last 15 pull-ups after time called. I'll wait to do handstand push-ups until after I've made parallettes.

100 Push-ups, Squats, Sit-ups
100 Push-ups, (30, 20, 20, 20, 10)

After only 3 days of doing this, it already feels routine. It could be that I'm really motivated, or that my form is getting better, or that it's actually fun to work out. Amazing. The Grease the Groove method is a non-strenuous way to get more work in without getting crushed.

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