Friday, January 26, 2007

REST, beautiful rest!
Another good week of training in CrossFit. My climbing has suffered a bit, probably because of muscle fatigue, but it's been good to keep moving.

Baseball practices have been going steady. No real pain in my shoulder, but I'll have to keep up with rotator cuff exercises and ice.

Total Body Weight Movements: 2186
Last week: 2505

I have set a lofty, but attainable, goal of 100,000 body weight movements in one year.

* Push-ups: 700
* Pull-ups: 73
* Chin-ups: 45
* Squats: 600
* Sit-ups: 600
* Dips: 150
* Handstand Push-ups: 12
* Climbs < 5.9: 6

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