Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Quality Over Quanity in Workouts

At work I always try to do less, better. It didn't occur to me until recently to do the same in my workouts. It's easy to get caught up in number chasing. I did it too until my head almost exploded after finishing a personal best Fran. I had a nice score but I wasn't breathing correctly and my thrusters were sloppy.

Instead, try doing every rep for the best form possible. And don't forget that breathing is a vital cog in the wheel. What I learned from the CFDC instructors was that the quality and efficiency of my workouts would improve over time.

Only the best of the best have perfect form. For the rest of us, it's an endless process of improvement.

30 minutes of throwing, long toss
A few catch and throws from the outfield (throws were accurate)
6 x 12 medium cage (worked on swing mechanics)
2 x 20 live BP

Phrase of the day: Load and explode
I heard one of the hitting instructors say this and it all came together. The load starts with raising your foot slightly to cock the energy when the pitch is released. The explode comes as you release that energy by swinging through the hips and core, following through from heel to toe on the back foot. A well hit ball doesn't feel like you hit anything at all. It just keeps going and going.

No one does this better than Manny Ramirez. He has the prettiest swing in baseball.

100 Push-ups
20 Squats
80 Overhead squats (broomstick)

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