Sunday, April 8, 2007

This is my longest hiatus from WODs without being sick--1 week. I suffered again today. I feel weaker in stamina and endurance, and have been for the last few weeks.

Quote of the day: "Just finish. You're not going to feel that much better if you stop."


Overhead squats (PVC)
Shoulder dislocates (PVC)
20 Squats
10 Push-ups
20 Squats
10 Push-ups
10 Jumping jacks

Easter WOD: 12 Stations of the Cross(fit)
Dumbbell walking lunges - perimeter of basketball court
20 Burpees
30 Sumo dead lift high pulls (1 pood)
Wheelbarrow walk - 2 lengths
50 Windshield wipers
Bear crawls - 3 lengths
Mini Cindy - 5 ring pull-ups, 10 push-ups, 15 squats (5 rounds)
20 Jumping jack burpees
50 Push press (12#)
50 Goblet squats (20#)

Cleans - 30 minutes for form
(45#, 85#)

I need to work on this once a week on my own and once a week with Russ. I have adequate technique and power on the squats and push-presses. Now, I've got to get the middle piece.

If cleans are a 4 part progression: 1) address bar 2) slide along thigh 3) explode upward, and 4) catch and squat, I need most of the work on phase 3.

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