Sunday, July 20, 2008

WOD 7/20/08

Things to remember:

* Butt down, tight body
* Shoulder blades back
* Deadlift around knees, slide to hips, explode upward on the clean
* Continue in a straight line
* Shrug hard until the stall
* Quick under bar
* Push from under the bar, not upward

On a second read, this all sounds mildly dirty.

Clean & Jerk 1RM:

90kg (~198) PR
92.5kg (~204) (failed on jerk twice)(PR clean)

3 x 3 Rack jerk @ 40kg

1 comment:

Jen's Gym at Crossfit Watertown, CT said...

I just watched the vid. On your snatch it looks like your not getting the power or explosiveness via the hips. Your doing a little hop and not completely unfolding the hips which is were you will lose the power to get that bar up with a bang. I'm no expert it's just what I saw.