Monday, January 8, 2007

Applying the Grease the Groove Method

10 x 10 Push-ups

Specificity + Frequent Practice = Success
Pavel Tsatsouline's Grease the Groove article outlines something that's so simple you'll kick yourself. When a user asked how he could increase his max number of chin-ups, other forum users piped in by suggesting a variety of exercises. Pavel thought: why not just to more chin-ups?

Loosely defined, Grease the Groove means to do as much as you can while staying as fresh as you can. Above, I decided to start with a modest but steady base of 100 push-ups daily. I'll steadily move that number up, in both reps and total number, over the coming weeks until I reach a number that becomes time prohibitive.

I had success with this method many years ago in junior high school, though at the time, I had no idea I was following this method. Every day before gym class I would do sets of ten pull-ups, not to exhaustion, but until it was time to start class. Typically I did between five and seven sets. After months of doing this, I did twenty-four pull up during the pull-ups test, surprising me, and coming 4 short of the school record.

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