Sunday, March 16, 2008

Teaism in Dupont has an amazing cilantro scrambled eggs with smoked salmon breakfast. Wash it down with an iced green tea and you'll get the stuff your body craves after a WOD. Beware of the pretentious hipster set who will give your eyeballs a workout as you roll them.

* * *

Warm-up: (3 sets)
30 squats
10 push-ups
10 scorpion stretches

10 Overhead DB lunges (20#)
10 DB Cleans (20#)

50 Jump rope
4 x 20 KB swing (1/5 pood)
4 x 10 Box jump to burpees (18")
3 x 30 V sit-ups

Rx: 100 Jump rope, 4 sets each

3 attempts kipping MU (more like front uprise) - fail

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