Thursday, March 20, 2008

WOD 03/20/08

Warm-up: 3 sets
1 block run
10 OHS (PVC)
10 Push-press (20# DB)
10 SDHP (20kg)

Skills work:
Snatch progression

Snatch: weighted attempts with the bar
15#, 35, 55, 75, 75, 55, 55, 55

On my second 75 pound attempt, I took a nice spill and the bar landed on my shins. Wondering what that shredded wet grocery bag stuff was on the bar, I discovered that it shin. Nice.

I a deeper respect for people that can do body weight plus snatches. You need flawless execution. Getting the weight over your head isn't that hard. Getting it set in the overhead position to do the overhead squat proves very challenging.

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