Monday, May 26, 2008

WOD 5/26/08

My first Murph went well. I broke sets up into 10 even sets of 10-20-30. I took long, luxurious breaks between movements. The people that faired the best in the 35-45 minute range seemed to be doing Cindy. I'll try that next time.

I walked a lot of the last mile. I wasn't dying or anything, but my legs just wouldn't cooperate.

WOD: Murph
1 Mile (9 mins)
100 Pull-ups
200 Push-ups
300 Squats
1 Mile (a long, long time)

Time: 1:06:15 (Goal: 1:00)

Cool down:
1000m row (6:30 easy pace)
1/2 mile run/walk

2 clean pulls, 1 clean
(95, 115, 135, 155, 135, 115)

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