Sunday, September 7, 2008

WOD 9/7

I failed on my 80 kg snatch attempts again this week, but I hit four big PR milestones.  We worked out with some really stout guys from OBX Lifting and both were in their mid- to late-forties, warming up on 110 snatches.  It gave me massive hope to compete at an elite level in a couple years.  They gave a lot of free feedback, to the point you realize just how little you know among experienced lifters.

Our little band of weightlifters is growing into a real lifting club.  We built two free-standing platforms and we have the 5 already at Potomac CF.  Good friggin' times.

C&J, heavy single -- 50 x 2 x 2, 60, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95 PR
Front squat, heavy single -- 70 x 2 from clean, 90 x 3, 95, 100, 110 PR

Abs: alternating
3 x 15 GHD situps
3 x 15 knees to elbows

Saturday, September 6, 2008

WOD 9/6


Tall snatch + mid-hang snatch - 1 + 2 x 4 -- 40 kg
Overhead Squat, heavy singles -- 50, 60, 70, 75, 80 x 2 PR

Snatch -- 40, 50, 60, 65, 70x, 75, 80x, 80x, 80x, 80x, 70

Thursday, September 4, 2008

WOD 8/4/08

Screwing around with rack jerks today, I hit an unexpected PR. It helps that I can't do the conversions in my head, so I get a case of the fuck-its.  112 kg is like 50 lbs over my PR.  I little bit of a press-out but I got it up. Dumped on 117 kg.

Front Squat: (80%) 3 x 5 - 70 kg
Snatch Pull: (105%) 1 x 3 - 85 kg, 2 x 4 - 90 kg
Rack Jerk: Heavy singles - 60, 70, 80, 85, 90, 95, 112.67 (PR), 117.67x

3 Rounds for time:
10 sandbag half moons (35% body weight) - 50#
10 burpees

Time: 2:57

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

WOD 9/3/08

Warm up:
1 x 5 60kg snatch (1st 3 were fails. Dude!)

1 x 4 muscle snatch 55kg (90%)
2 push jerk + 1 split jerk x 3, 60kg (60%)
3 x 3 clean and jerk 60kg

Metcon: 4 rounds for time
5 pull ups
5 30" box jumps
5 GHD sit ups
5 24kg KBS (35% bw)

Time: 4:30

3 x 15 toes to rings
3 x 15 ab rollers

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

WOD 9/2/08

Warm up:
10 OHS
750M Row
Alligator walk

Back squat (87%) 2 x 5 @ 285 lbs
Snatch DL (118%) 2 x 3 @ 95 kg
Snatch Pull (118%) 1 x 3 @ 95 kg
Push Press (85%) 3 x 5 @ 67.5 kg (from power clean)
Pull ups 3 x 10 with 20 lbs vest
GHD Situp 3 x 10 with 4 kg med ball overhead
Side bends 3 x 10 @ 24 kg